How can you prevent house fires caused by Lithium-Ion batteries?


PASCO, Wash.- Lithium-ion batteries power many different household devices from cellphones to e-bikes, but no matter the size they all pose a significant safety risk.

According to Pasco Fire Department Fire Chief, Ben Shearer, fires caused by Lithium-Ion batteries are not uncommon.

“It’s not just a little spark in your living room. when they go bad they actually cause a big fire, a big explosion. Lots of power behind them and lots of energy stored in them. so that makes a very big fire very quickly” Said Shearer.

According to Shearer, these fires are more common when someone purchases cheaper or off-brand alternatives for things like power tools or laptop batteries. However, these fires can occur with any Lithium-Ion Battery.

According to Shearer, these batteries store a large amount of energy and power in a small battery. This means if the battery overheats and malfunctions it will likely explode and cause a fire.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, there are several safety tips you should follow to avoid issues with your battery.

Only purchase and use batteries or devices that have been tested by a qualified testing laboratory. Make sure to use the batteries properly and only use chargers designed for that specific device. Do not charge a device under your pillow or on a bed or couch. Do not keep the device or battery on the charger after it has finished charging. Keep batteries at room temperature. Try to avoid charging the battery in temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or temperatures above 1005 degrees Fahrenheit. And try to store batteries away from doorways or anything extremely flammable.

According to Shearer, it is also important to constantly inspect devices. Look for signs of bubbling or cracking in the battery. Other signs could be a change in color or smell. And if the battery suddenly becomes very hot while charging that is a sign the battery may have gone bad.

If you have a Lithium-Ion Battery that has gone bad it is very important to immediately dispose of the battery or device according to Shearer.

However, you should not just put Lithium-Ion batteries in the trash as they can cause fires at the landfill or during transportation.

Instead, you should take the battery to a recycling facility or see what resources your specific city has for disposal.

According to Shearer another safety tip is to keep the charging devices away from your home if possible. Keeping batteries for power tools e-bikes and scooters in a garage or shed can reduce the risk of a house fire.

“Definitely want to encourage out in a garage if you can or an outside shed you can secure, much safer then if something does go wrong that hopefully, it won’t be your house as well.” Said Shearer.

It is important to keep e-bikes and scooters away from doors and entryways according to Shearer. If a fire does occur you don’t want the fire to block an exit or entry so that you can safely escape and fire crews can easily get in.


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