HIV and AIDS is also common in women and girls, not just men


KENNEWICK, Wash. – HIV and AIDS are not only common in men, but in women as well.

The Communicable Diseases Program Manager, Heather Hill, says a lot of people think this is a disease that only men can get. “This day is so important because women are at risk and can get HIV,” she explained.

Hill says a person is infected with HIV when a positive virus is received through unprotected sex, unsafe blood transfusions, or injections. The AIDS stage then happens if or when the immune system starts to react negatively with the virus in the body.

It’s important to get tested early to catch the infection quickly enough to avoid it from progressing to AIDS.

Hill recommended getting PrEP pills prescribed, which are also known as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. According to the CDC, they reduce the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99%, but they still recommend using condoms to protect themselves from other STDs.

If you’re pregnant and have HIV, it can also be transmitted to the baby so it’s important to stay on the PrEP meds. You can also talk to your doctor about it and get tested. Another option is going to Planned Parenthood nearby and getting tested for free.

The Vice President of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood, Paul Dillon, says they accept anyone in their offices no matter what their status is.

“We have resources for patients regardless of immigration status. We definitely see a lot of patients that are undocumented and we know that health has no borders, so we’re here to make sure everyone gets access to the healthcare they need,” Dillon explained.

For more information about HIV and AIDS, you can click here.

You can also visit Planned Parenthood to make an appointment.


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