Haven Home Healthcare helps retired energy workers


RICHALND, WA – If you are retired and are looking for benefits, a local nursing agency wants to help.

Haven Home Healthcare gives in-home health services for those with illnesses that worked in any department of energy like the Hanford site.

Their registered nurses and case managers work directly with you and your doctor to access your needs and make a plan for you.

They can range from 24-hour care when needed and they can also visit a person throughout the week.

The plan can also include family members being paid for their time helping with and giving care.

Some of the services can include transportation, housekeeping and serving meals. It can also include administering medication, performing doctor activities, like listening to lung sounds.

Staff with Haven Home Healthcare said they are wanting to help more people.

“A lot of people don’t know that these benefits even exist. So, that is what we are doing, we are getting out there in the community to spread these messages,” Lisa Sauceda, the Marketing/Community Liaison with Haven Home Health, said.

Currently, they serve around 40 locals. They are also working with another 25 to 30 people to help them get their white card or medical benefits identification card.

For more information, you can visit their website at https://www.havenhhc.com/.


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