Fireworks Safety Tips


YAKIMA, Wash.- With Fourth of July around the corner, fireworks remain a popular way to celebrate. Nathan Craig, Yakima County West Valley Fire Chief, advised how to be careful when handling fireworks.

“If you’re in an area that it’s legal to light off fireworks, it should be adults only”, said Craig. “Adults that are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. One firework at a time. Have a bucket of water there, to be able to drop the spent fireworks in. Have a hose ready to put out any fires that may start, and then never pick up a firework that said dud doesn’t go off.”

Chief Craig also said to make sure fireworks are legal in your area, and if you purchase fireworks to buy them from a legal business stand and not from the black market.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commision Report, last year there were 1300 injuries caused by fireworks nationwide. 38% of injuries were burns on body parts, with the highest percentage of harm to hands and fingers. Furthermore, 73% of injuries related to fireworks occurred in the weeks before and after the July 4 holiday.


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