FDA will allow the release of Abbott Nutrition facility recall on powdered baby on a case-to-case basis


The FDA said it will allow the release of baby formula from the shuttered Abbott Nutrition facility on a case-by-case basis.

In February the agency warned consumers not to use certain powdered infant formula products from Abbott Nutrition’s Sturgis, Michigan facility because of contamination concerns, causing Abbott to recall certain products. Soon after those recalls, parents began reporting that they were having problems finding powdered infant formula.

Since then, the FDA has been working with the company and other manufacturers to bring additional and safe products to parents.

The agency now said it will not object to Abbott Nutrition releasing the product for individuals specifically needing urgent, life-sustaining supplies of certain specialty and metabolic formulas on a case-by-case basis that have been on hold at the facility.

If you are going to be using these products, the FDA recommends consumers look at the lot code, a multidigit number on the bottom of a container of Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare powdered infant formula and do not use if:

the first two digits of the code are 22 through 37; and the code on the container contains K8, SH, or Z2; and the expiration date is 4-1-2022 (APR 2022) or later.

In addition to the products described above, Abbott Nutrition has recalled Similac PM 60/40 with a lot code of 27032K80 (can) / 27032K800 (case).

You can also enter your product lot code on the company’s website to check if it is part of the recall.

Powdered Abbott products that don’t have the code and expiration noted above are not included in the recall. Liquid formula products are not subject to recall.

At this time, Similac PM 60/40 with lot code 27032K80 (can) / 27032K800 (case) is the only type, and lots of this specialty formula are being recalled.


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