Family of birds make nest in traffic cone


By Faye Mayern via SWNS

A family of great tits has been discovered in an unusual nesting spot – living in a traffic cone.

The bird’s nest was discovered at Mid Suffolk District Council’s depot yard in Stowmarket, Suffolk this week.

Great tits are cavity nesters which mean they usually build their nests in the holes of trees and other surfaces.

A Mid Suffolk District Council spokesperson said they were “very pleased” to welcome the new family to the depot.

The spokesperson said: “There really is no place like home, even if it is in a traffic cone.

“We think it may even be the mum’s second visit – with a bird family taking a shine to one of our traffic cones last year too.

“While out in the yard, our staff heard some little tweets and saw a mother bird standing on top of one of our cones – so we put two and two together and went to have a careful look.

“They all appear to be doing well with their mum coming back and forth to feed them – so we’re letting nature work its magic and just keeping a watchful eye from a distance.

“We’ve labelled the cone too, so everyone knows our visitors are in residence until they’re ready to fledge the nest.”


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