Despite the controversy, the Emerald of Siam’s Drag Brunch goes on



Protesters gathered outside the Emerald of Siam to oppose the all-ages drag brunch on Sunday.

The General Manager of the restaurant, Tim Thornton told me he was already stressed about the brunch because he wasn’t sure how it was going to go after a discussion held at the Richland City Council meeting on April 4th.

“I am particularly very sad that they chose to have this event on Easter Sunday and to gear it toward the children,” said Richland Mayor Pro Tem Theresa Richardson. “Because this doesn’t reflect our community values. So I’ve been encouraging people to send a note, a polite note, just expressing that you’re sad about doing that.”

According to Thornton, those notes have not been polite ones.

“It was nothing but people screaming at us on the phone,” said Thornton.

I was able to talk to Richardson about her comments at the meeting.

“I was just responding to a Richland resident who was concerned about the event,” said Richardson “I suggested a polite note. In no way is that expressing hate speech.”

As the event goes, Thornton told me he woke up to some disturbing news.

“I woke up this morning and got sent a video and a photo of what the front of our shop looked like,” said Thornton. “People had wheat pasted, vandalized the windows on the front of our building all the way across.”

The posters had the names of the three children who were victims of the Nashville shooting.

The protest remained peaceful protest and the brunch went as planned.

Jerrod Sessler a congressional candidate from Prosser said this event sends the wrong message.

“We’re not protecting our children,” said Sessler. “That’s the main reason I’m out here on Easter is to protect the children.”

Katana is one of those drag performers and told me those who say that haven’t done enough research on drag shows.

“In all honesty, all we do in these shows is show everyone, including the children, how to love and express yourself without the fear of what someone’s going to say,” said Katana.

Another protester said he doesn’t have anything against the trans community, just this event.

“I do oppose them offering this to children, whether its for free or this event they’re actually charging children to come in and stick money in drag queen’s clothing,” said Andy Reavis, one of the protesters.

The drag performers actually announced before the show they wouldn’t be taking money from children under a certain age.

Like the Emerald of Siam, Richardson has also received harassing emails and phone calls. I’ve not seen the emails, but Richardson did send me a recording of a voicemail she received and it was a profanity-filled attack.

Richardson told me she just wants peace, the same as the Emerald of Siam.

Caleb Brown is the CEO of Unleashed Entertainment and also does the marketing for the Emerald.

He told me the arms of the restaurant are extended out to welcome a resolution.

“You are welcome at the Emerald anytime,” said Brown. “Just like everyone else is welcome here. We would love to sit down with you and just talk.”


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