Commissioner Franz announces $20,000 grant for the city of Yakima


YAKIMA, Wash.- Commissioner of Public Lands, Hillary Franz, announced today that a grant of $20,000 is being awarded to the city of Yakima Urban Forest Management Plan.

According to the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, the grant is part of a $350,000 statewide investment to support tree planting, landscaping, restoration, community outreach and more.

Speakers, Danny Herrera, District 2 city council member, and Cristina Ortega from the Latino Community Fund joined the celebration and emphasized the importance of restoring trees in low budget neighborhoods.

Ortega said, “I’m happy to hear that this is happening in our community, because this is one more step to equity, one more step to having something that we also deserve.”

The project is estimated to start in a year. Commissioner Franz hopes that this program becomes something all Yakima residents want to participate in.


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