Child Care Assistance in Washington state


WA – Many parents struggle with finding the perfect childcare program for them.

Recently it’s become more about how much money a parent makes, leaving some to search for multiple jobs. I spoke with a local mother in the Tri-Cities that says she didn’t have help with her daughter. The mother wishes to remain anonymous.

She was constantly told she made too much for low-income child care. Eventually, she had to find another job, pushing her higher up the bracket of not qualifying.

“The bills were so substantial, like $400 plus a month and that doesn’t even count the people that you have to pay for on the weekend,” she said.

As a single mother and with no family close by, she says she strongly depended on good health care centers. Unfortunately, those were tough to come by with her income.

Now with her daughter in school, it’s a little harder to find a good place for her. With her changing work hours and no support, she asks co-workers or other parents for help.

I took the opportunity to speak with Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families to learn about the opportunities available for parents.

A spokesperson, Nancy Gutierrez, told me they have a twelve month program that allows parents to reapply year after year.

“You’re eligible as long as you meet the income and approved activity requirements,” she says, “they [parents] can go and find a provider they would that co-pay and the stay pays the rest of the child care for them.”

On top of these programs, DCYF is working with legislation on new programs that make affordable childcare easily accessible to parents. As of now, those programs are not available but their hope is for it to be in the next legislative session.

If you’re a struggling parent, you’re not alone and DCYF have resources available in all parts of the state of Washington.


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