Chihuahua puppy receives life-saving open-heart surgery


By Ben Barry via SWNS

A chihuahua puppy just half the size of a newborn baby has undergone open-heart surgery to save her life.

Birdie was born with a major heart condition called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which meant her blood flow didn’t reach her lungs and body correctly.

Usually, dogs with the condition will be treated with a stent procedure.

But due to her size, 11 week-old Birdie was too small for this and open heart surgery was the only option.

The 45-minute procedure took place last Thursday (14/03) and Birdie spent three days recovering before she went home on Saturday (16/03).

Colin Whiting, head of surgery and director of Beacon VetCare in Newquay, Cornwall, said: “I’ve been an orthopedic, spinal and soft-tissue referral surgeon for 25 years now.

“I’ve performed many thousands of operations in that time and of course, all patients/owners are special in their own ways.

“But for sheer complexity, patient size and the sheer emotion of being confronted with a tiny puppy unable to grow and thrive as they should, Birdie will certainly rest long in our memory.”

The treatment for PDA usually involves a special stint operation but due to the size of her the only option was open heart surgery.

Her owner said: “We were so nervous, but the greeting from the ladies on the reception desk and the nursing team was so kind and positive.

“Everyone seemed to know about Birdie coming in for her big op, and they really helped take our worries away.”

Birdie has made a full recovery after the operation and is expected to live a long fulfilling life.

Colin said: “Everyone has been detouring to the recovery ward, or popping into the practice from days off to visit Birdie and check how she’s progressing.

“Yesterday evening we had another urgent spinal surgery referral case too and we saw the same faces still here, finding any excuse to give her Birdie a nuzzle or a feed.

“We’re all looking forward to her expected discharge, for a happy home time – but we’re all very keen to see her back for her checkups too, she’s a little star.”


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