Bestselling author talks about helping younger generations unlock potential in Kennewick


KENNEWICK, Wash.-Bestselling author Mark Perna gave the keynote address to educational and community leaders on unlocking the intelligence and potential of younger generations at Tri-Tech on October 10.

“Unleashing Passion, Purpose and Performance in Younger Generations” was hosted by Educational Service District 123 and provided an opportunity for those in education, as well as community members to learn from and collaborate with Perna.

One of the areas Perna focused on during the full-day event was the ways education and employment are changing nationwide in the twenty-first century and how educators can tap into the creativity, intelligence and potential of Gen Z and Millenials.

“There are lots of ways to be successful and we need to make sure that young people know about all of them, so they can pick the one that’s best for them, so they can find what I call the light at the end of the tunnel for themselves,” Perna said. “So that they can find a career and lifestyle that’s viable to them.”


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