Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures


The Alzheimer’s Association has released its Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report for 2023 that details the effect of Alzheimer’s on people with the disease, their caregivers and the health care system.

More than 6 million Americans currently have Alzheimer’s according to the Alzheimer’s Association and that number is expected to grow as the population over the age of 65 continues to grow.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association the disease is more than just memory loss, it’s deadly. On average a person aged 65 or older survives four to eight years after an initial diagnosis of the disease.

Alzheimer’s Association Facts and Figures report 2023:


83% of the help provided for older adults comes from family members.Approximately 2/3 of caregivers are women.Twice as many caregivers for those with dementia indicate emotional, financial or physical difficulties.

The Workforce:

As Alzheimer’s disease increases the need for workers involved in diagnosing, treating and caring for those with the disease also increases.The need for direct care workers is expected to grow by more than 40% by 2026.

National Health Care Costs:

Alzheimer’s and other dementias will cost the nation’s health care system $345 billion in 2023.The estimated total lifetime cost of care for someone with Alzheimer’s is $392,874.


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