Red Cross seeking donors amid blood crisis


The Red Cross supplies 40% of the blood supply across the country. This week they announced they are facing a blood crisis.

Betsy Robertson is the Regional Communications Director at the American Red Cross.

“We got into this crisis situation by a series of months of low donor turnout. We’re not going to solve it this week. We’re not going to solve it this month. We need to keep that flow of blood coming in constant,” said Robertson.

This has made it hard for hospitals that need the blood to get the amount they need.

“We are only able to distribute in some cases, three-quarters of what hospitals are asking for. So that’s a 25 percent reduction in what they say they need to conduct their business,” said Robertson.

Since the start of the pandemic, there’s been about a ten percent drop in donor turnout.

“So that’s putting on the backs of caregivers the decision to decide who gets the blood and who doesn’t. That’s not a decision we want anybody to have to make,” said Robertson.

This blood is going to a variety of individuals.

“Folks who need it for treatment of chronic conditions like sickle cell, cancer patients, and then of course trauma victims. And we don’t talk about it sometimes, but mothers immediately after giving birth,” said Robertson.

You can sign up to donate here.


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