Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels offering larger than usual vouchers for farmers markets


RICHLAND, Wash. – More bang for the buck at local farmers markets this summer. Mid Columbia Meals on Wheels is announcing this year’s farmers market voucher program for eligible local seniors.

Thanks to more funding from the state the 2022 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program is even bigger than normal. Each person eligible can now get up to $80 in vouchers which is double the amount of years past. The vouchers can be used at certified local farmers markets all summer long.

“We all know the grocery prices are going up like crazy and to have all this fresh local produce you know it’s just a great boost to people’s finances and their health,” said Kristi Thien, Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels Nutrition Services Director.

For an application to receive vouchers, seniors can call the Meals on Wheels office at 509-735-1911 or email admin@seniorliferesources.org. Applications are also available online at www.seniorliferesources.org.


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