RICHLAND, Wash.- The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is looking for community input on a proposed transmission line rebuild in Richland.
According to a BPA press release the transmission line rebuild would help resolve transmission congestion and ensure the lights stay on when temperatures are extremely hot or cold.
“Our ability to get power into the area is becoming increasingly constrained,” said Michelle Cathcart, BPA vice president of Transmission Operations. “The conditions have made it necessary for us to consider upgrading this segment of line.”
According to BPA’s press release the rebuild is necessary to ensure unplanned power outages in the Tri-Cities area are less likely to occur. Current transmission line conditions could result in more frequent, longer, or more widespread power interruptions to customers in the area if improvements aren’t made.
The community is invited to comment on the proposed line rebuild during a meeting at the Richland public library on Wednesday, April 12 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
“Public comment is an important part of our process,” said project manager Todd Wehner. “We need feedback to make an informed decision about the future of the project.”