BFHD’s Dr. Amy Person Accepts New Position



Dr. Amy Person, MD, Health Officer for the Benton Franklin Health District (BFHD), has accepted a new position as Regional Medical Officer for the Washington Department of Health (WADOH).

“She leaves a legacy that will never be forgotten, and we look forward to continuing our relationship as she embraces her new role and continues to create positive change,” said Jason Zaccaria, BFHD District Administrator, in a press release announcing Dr. Person’s promotion.

Dr. Person has been serving in her current position for 11 years and has been the face of the BFHD over the past two and a half years, helping the community navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Leaving the Benton Franklin Health District after more than 10 years of service to the communities of Benton and Franklin counties is hard…with this new role, I look forward to joining an organization that values the skills I can bring to the job,” said Dr. Person.


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